Rollins' Vintage Nursery

My newest little girl, Rollins, is somehow already five-months-old. Everyone says it goes by fast, and I know that from my first daughter, but man is this one speeding by even faster!

So now that she's nearing her half-year mark, I figured it was high time I share her nursery.

Image by Jordan Burch Photography

Image by Jordan Burch Photography

As you may recall, this room started out as a metallic, safari room for a little boy, then we transitioned it into a short-lived man cave.  Now it's transitioned again into little Miss Rollins' room.

nursery before and after

Quite the before and after, huh?  Because we'd spent so much time on updating the room with board and batten and painting, we kept the walls as is and went from there.  I love how it turned out with the moody walls and sweet furnishings.

charchoal slate girl nursery vintage rug

Auden had one of my childhood dresses framed over her crib as well, but this time I went with an acrylic frame, and I LOVE it.  The sconces bordering it are from Pottery Barn but have since sold out.

acrylic framed gown nursery sconces

I kept the other artwork in the room simple with a black and white photo of big sister, a wedding photo of Jon and myself and a watercolor print that says "Be Brave."  The other art print (on top of her dresser) was purchased from Jones Design Co. and is a quote from one of my favorite verses. "Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly." -Micah 6:8. 

I loved Auden's bedding so much, I decided to use the same sheet and bumper (flipped backwards to add Rollins' monogram) but in a different color.  The crib sheet is the trellis pattern by Serena & Lily in Shell.

The linen crib skirt is from Restoration Hardware Baby & Child.

baby girl bedding serena and lily trellis

The tiger maple dresser was in my room growing up, and I'm so excited to have it in one of my girls' rooms now.  The vintage chandelier was a thrift store find from Oklahoma, and I'd been moving it from house to house for five years waiting for the right place to put it.  I love how it brings a little sparkle and compliments the crystal knobs on the dresser so well.

Here's my sweet girl during her 3 month photo shoot on her vintage Turkish rug I found on Etsy.

Image by Jordan Burch Photography

Image by Jordan Burch Photography

vintage turkish rug nursery

I can't wait to see all of the little memories she'll make in this room.  My favorite so far is her sleeping through the night :)

acrylic frame baby gown nursery

Baby R's Nursery Update- Decision Time

This past week I've been in major nesting mode wanting to check everything off of my never-ending house to do list--specifically in the new nursery.  Jon and I have a lot of cleaning out to do (it's currently his "man cave"/catch all room) before the real decor can even go up.  I'm one who loves to clean out and organize as it is, but when you add in a baby, it's even worse.

In an attempt to get a move on, I've been finalizing some nursery decisions so that all pieces are here when it's time to get everything in its place.  Specifically, the curtains have been ordered and sheets have been decided.  

Here are the four curtain options I was considering:


one // two // three // four

After much consideration (and a little help from my fellow design friends), I chose option number one with a blackout lining.  You may remember the top part of the room is painted a dark charcoal color so I really wanted something light to balance it out.  And down the road, when the girls start sharing a room, these will easily transition to a non-nursery room.  

I also picked out my crib sheets.  I loved the blue trellis ones from Serena & Lily that I used in Auden's room, and I think the mocha option will work great in the new nursery.  And because my love for block print can't be stopped, I really like this booti pink print from Rikshaw Designs.  The bed skirt is a muted petal pink linen-cotton one from Restoration Hardware Baby & Child and the bumpers will be the white pique with gray trim we used for Auden.  I plan on flipping it around so I can monogram the other side for this baby.  Waste not, want not, right?

With those items being confirmed, here is the updated mood board.  If you need a refresher, here is the starting point from over a month ago.   

The other new items are these gold leaf frames from West Elm and these beaded ones from Design Aglow for her gallery wall.  I purchased this art print from Jones Design Company months ago (before I was even pregnant) and think it will work great in the room.  The other new contender is this lamp by Nate Berkus.  I saw it in Target and immediately fell for the modern lines and acrylic base.  Because I love a good mix of modern and vintage, I think this will be a great addition to keep that balance.  

So that's the latest for Baby R.  What do you think?  

I'm off to get my nesting fix on and start cleaning out the man cave closet with the hubs!  As you can imagine, he's thrilled to be doing this on his off day ;)

Until next time...