Easy Centerpiece for your Thanksgiving Table


With Thanksgiving in just a couple days I thought I would share an easy, DIY centerpiece to dress up your table.  This centerpiece can be done with little cost. With the exception of the flowers that cost me $20, I used what I had at the house or could find outside. 

Here is what I used:

  • decorative runner I had purchased last year from World Market
  • flowers
  • pine cones
  • small pumpkins- left over from Halloween
  • variety of tree branches from local park- Magnolia, Oak (i believe) and Holly
  • a few naval oranges
  • two green vases I purchased a few years back from Target
  • a couple decorative brass bowls and candlesticks


First decide on the color palette you want. I wanted to add a bit more color than what you would normally associate Thanksgiving with. I found a couple bouquets at the grocery store that had a combination of orange, yellows, pinks and purples. Next, decide how many arrangements you want. Since my table is pretty long I decided to do two.  Place the runner down and position your vases. I then started laying the branches, starting from left to right. I flipped some of the Magnolia branches face down so more of the brown underside would show. Once my "garland" was complete, I moved on to the vases.


Thanksgiving arrangement.jpg

I divided up the flower bouquets to make two similar arrangements. Working in a circular pattern, I started with the taller leafy pieces in the back and the brighter pink flowers upfront. Once I was happy with the arrangements, I added my filler (pumpkins, oranges, pinecones, and brass accents) to my garland.

There you have it! Easy-peasy and with little cost.

I encourage you to take inventory of what you already have at home.  For filler alternatives, you can use a variety of produce- apples, grapes, lemons, artichokes, pretty purple cabbage. Anything really that has some contrast to your clippings.

Easy THanksgiving centerpiece

Here I added candlesticks but I think I prefer it without them.

Thanksgiving centerpiece 3A
Thanksgiving centerpiece
Thankgiving centerpiece

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

5 tips to a stylish Thanksgiving Buffet

The past couple years my husband and I have taken over the role of hosting both of our families for Thanksgiving. Because our family is too large to seat down at a formally set table, we lay all the food buffet style and it's get in where you fit in.

If you plan to have a buffet style Thanksgiving too, here are a few tips on putting together a stylish one.


Putting together a stylish buffet table doesn't have to be expensive. Take stock of what you have already that you may want to use as a starting point: a table runner, a pretty serving dish, left over pumpkins from Halloween. Look around your yard. Perhaps there are some pretty branches, clippings from a rosemary bush, leaves, acorns, or pine cones.


As seen in the image below, it is visually more interesting to have items laid out at different levels. If you do not have decorative items that can be used for elevation, stack books and cover them with linens.



Food labels can be an easy and inexpensive way to add a personal touch to your buffet. Pinterest has several labels that you can download or you can get creative and make your own.

This walnut used as a charity card holder could also work as a label holder.




Typically, the protein tends to be the star of the table. Dress it up! Use items that you used to cook with such as fresh herbs, greens, fruits, vegetables.



The silverware offers another opportunity to be creative. Instead of laying them in a pile on the table, tie together individual sets with twine or place them collectively in a decorative container. *Tip- Place the silverware at the end of the buffet, rather at the beginning. By doing so, it prevents juggling of the utensils while trying to serve yourself.


With a little resourcefulness, a stylish buffet can be achieved with little to no cost. As an added bonus, here is a free download of these adorable left over labels designed by Bloom Designs. Just print them out and stick them on your guests' take home container.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!