Breathing New Energy into Your Home

Home has become a true haven for so many as we all deal with this pandemic, COVID-19. We are grateful for all the medical personnel, postal employees, store clerks, truck drivers and all the other essential workers who go to work to keep life going for the rest of us.

Though we are thankful to those that are on the front line so that we get to stay home, many of us may be feeling a bit stir-crazy. Here are a few things you can do to help breathe new energy into your home.

1) Organize and de-clutter- Go through all your closets and drawers one by one and get rid of anything you don’t find useful or brings you joy. Go through your kid’s clothes and pull out anything that they have grown out and toys that they don’t play with anymore. Go through your books and donate any you no longer want. In the kitchen, organize your pantry and go through your cabinets. Do you have any glassware or kitchen utensils that haven’t been used in years? Give it away to someone who can use it and allow for more space. Try to remove as many things as possible from your countertops. For more tips on de-cluttering, here and here are a blog posts we did specifically on the topic.

2) Clean - Nothing feels better than a clean house. Take a room at a time to do a deep cleaning. This will help you not get overwhelmed. Wipe down walls, clean baseboards, clean tile grout. In the bathrooms hit up those gunky caulk lines. Dust and clean all the light fixtures and ceiling fans. Clean the windows and window tracks.

3) Re-arrange a room - Try changing the placement of furniture such as putting your sofa or bed on a different wall. If re-arranging a room isn’t possible, try rearranging a bookshelf. Move around the placement of some of your decor items. A Feng Shui rule if you are feeling stuck, is to move 27 things to let new energy flow.

4) Make a celebration of the small things - Pull out your good china and create a pretty table setting for your next dinner, even if it’s for a table for one. I have been drinking a lot of tea lately and for my birthday my husband got me these pretty teacups and spoons. It makes drinking my tea feel much more special.


5) Bring some greenery inside - Greenery brings life to a space. On you’re next trip to the grocery store, pick up a bouquet of flowers or cut some clippings from your yard. Many trees are in bloom this time of year. Another option is to contact your local florist. I know many have taken a big hit with wedding cancellations and have started delivering flower arrangements.

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6) Light candles- Lighting a candle can create a calming atmosphere. Not only are lit candles relaxing but for many people, lighting a candle is done ritualistically to symbolize one’s intentions, prayers, and hopes. Try before lighting a candle next time saying a little prayer or intention and see how it makes you feel. Here are a couple of my go-to candles. I typically like to do one or two good scented candles like this Neroli one accompanied by several unscented ones so that the smell isn’t overwhelming.

7) Open the windows - It has been unusually pleasant outside. There is a nice breeze that has kept the mosquitoes at bay. If the weather allows where you live, open the windows and let fresh air in and stale air out!

Hope you found a few of these suggestions helpful. We wish you and your family good health and joy.