Pregnancy Wrap-Up
/My weekly bump pic at 37 weeks.
The end of my pregnancy has arrived, and it seems like it both took forever to get here (4 months of sickness will do it to you), yet snuck up so quickly. It's hard to fathom that any day now we will have not one but TWO daughters. It's so overwhelming and extremely exciting to think about.
The last couple of weeks I've been scrambling to get things in order, well as much order as can be achieved with a new baby on the way and a toddler at home. My doctor told me at my 35-week appointment (2 weeks ago) that he expected her arrival between 37-38 weeks. As you can imagine that sparked a lot of excitement, nerves and anticipation. I've felt like a kid on Christmas Eve every day...not knowing if the next day will be when our long-awaited "gift" arrives.
The nursery is basically complete (aside from patching and painting a few holes), and I love how it turned out. It is a far cry from what it was when we first bought the house (faux finish metallic walls and bamboo sticks chair rail). I'll be sure to share more pictures once my fabulous photographer and her wide-angle lens can get in there and truly capture the space.
Photo by Jordan Burch Photography
One of the ways this pregnancy has been different than Auden's is that I've felt better toward the end. I attribute a lot to that to less weight gain (maybe from chasing a toddler around?) and acid reflux medication (miracle drug!), but I think it also is because I partially know what comes at the end. The overwhelming swell of your heart when you hear that first cry and get to finally lay your eyes on the little being you've been carrying around for nine months. The tears of joy that stream down your face when you get to hold them in your arms for the first time. The knowing that your life will never ever be the same in the best possible way. It is such a magical experience and makes every back ache, sleepless night and 348, 232nd trip to the bathroom worth it.
I haven't forgotten that a newborn also brings worry, sleep deprivation or breastfeeding trials, but I know that those things will pale in comparison to the new love we'll feel as our family grows by one. We can't wait to meet you, baby girl.