Introducing...the 3A Design Studio SHOP!

We had a lot of fun putting together our fall table for our Give Away last week. So much fun that we decided to implement a new addition to our site: a shop where you can purchase Table Settings! 

(And in the future, maybe more--who knows?!)

Maybe you're hosting a special fall get-together at your house--maybe Thanksgiving. 

Maybe you're helping to set up tables at local community function, work party, or church gathering.

Or maybe you just really want your table at home to look nice for the season. Tables are a great way to enjoy seasonal decorations. It's easy to pack away, and can usually be done with found items in your own outdoor area or at a local market. 

Either way, if seasonal decoration is not your strong-point, we've decided to put together a package that will make it easy for you. For $10. TEN. I mean, it's a steal. 

We have three different Table Setting packages, each including a moodboard featuring all your items, a shopping list, and a plan and sketch to help you put it all together. 

For ten bucks, it's totally worth having everything already done for you (and by designers, I might add)! No re-arranging everything a million times, and no searching all over town (I mean how many of you have done like I have and thought "they'll have everything I need at one or two stores" and then you end up going all over town, spending way more than you planned because no one has exactly what you need).

We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed putting them together. If all goes according to plan, we will have a Christmas edition as well! 

You can view and purchase a Fall Table Setting here.

And if you want to take it a step further and need help on a customized table for your upcoming gathering, contact us here. We'd love to help!