5 Ways to Refresh Your Home After the Holidays
/We're back from the break! How was everyone's Christmas??
We got the rare opportunity to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in our own home, as our small little family unit. Compared to the normal hustle and bustle and traveling craziness that we usually encounter, making it to all our spread out families, I'll admit it was really nice. We did some traveling, but there's nothing like waking up to your own tree in your own home on Christmas. And our daughter--nearly two--is starting to really get into the whole deal. I love watching her experience all the fun things the season brings for children.
I hope your own circumstances allowed you to enjoy your holiday as well!
Soon enough though (not quite yet for us, even though our hand-chopped tree is beyond crispy at this point), we'll all have to transition back into post-holiday normalcy. Decorations come down, vacation days run out, (in general you avoid the scales for at least two weeks! eek!) and sometimes that can be a little melancholy. My home always feels naked after I take down my Christmas decorations. How about you?
A great way to find enjoyment in packing up all those boxes is to give your home a tiny facelift in the process. Just a little refresher--something else new to look at and look forward to.
Here's 5 easy things you should consider to give your home a little post-holiday refresher:
1. Clean Up and Give Away
Having a hard time fitting all those new socks in with your old ones? Did you get some new dish towels and now have way more than you need? Or maybe you are considering buying more hangers for your closet?
Or if you're like me, your living room has turned into the place you always dreaded before you had kids: a toy emporium.
While you're putting away your new loot, take the time to clean out the things you no longer use. I like to use the "1 year" rule--that is, anything I haven't used or worn in the past year gets put in a bag and given away. With kids, I cut this time down to a few months, since kids grow into new learning stages very quickly and therefore outgrow the enjoyment of certain toys.
Cleaning and making more usable space in your home never made anyone feel unaccomplished. We do it at least twice a year. It feels sooo good.
2. New Hardware
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I've posted about the benefits of this before, but this year I got to see it in person at my in-laws' home. They removed all the outdated shiny brass hardware in their guest bath and replaced it with contemporary matte oil rubbed bronze hardware. It looks so great! I can't get over what a difference it made.
Replacing all the hardware in your home can be very overwhelming (and add up more quickly than you'd imagine), so take the opportunity to start small. Do your kitchen knobs and pulls, your door knobs, or a bathroom.
3. New Throw Pillows
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I am so guilty of keeping throw pillows way past their prime. Picking a few for your sofa or your bed (or both!) will make such a difference. Get in there with some pops of color and texture--pillows are an easy and inexpensive way to get creative.
Plus, nearly every store (home decor stores included) are having great sales right now. Take advantage of it!
4. New Linens
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Like I just stated above, take advantage of all the sales going on right now!!
Get some new hand towels for your guest bath, new sheets for your bed, or a new tablecloth for your dining room table (if you use one). I love getting new sheets. Especially after the first couple of washes when they're crisp but cozy, and fit perfectly on your mattress without wrinkling and bunching, or without having to find that "bad" corner to turn towards the bottom of the bed.
5. Give Your Front Door a Facelift
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Don't neglect the outside of your home! It's always a little sad to pull up to a non-lit house after Christmas. The kid in me still enjoys a neighborhood full of Christmas lights. So how about giving your front door some attention?
Spend a weekend picking some new paint colors to try. Or maybe just give it a fresh coat of its current color, or even replacing the hardware. Front door hardware always gets neglected, even if the inside of your home is pretty updated. Most people never enter their own home through the front door so they don't think about it.
Make it a cheery entrance for your guests, just as it was for Christmas.
So what do you think? Those are do-able right?? Personally, I'm going the throw pillow route. As stated above, it's been a long time coming. I'll keep y'all posted on any particularly good deals!
Until next time...